Conference on the First National Report of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative of Armenia
Armenia published its first EITI national Report. It is one of the most important results of activities toward the implementation of the EITI Standard. This achievement was preceded by capacity building activities, sector-related studies, legislative amendments, etc.
MSG members introduced the works carried out during the implementation of the EITI standard in 2018
The results, required by the standard, as well as results...
Armenian delegation took part in the EITI Conference on Beneficial Ownership Transparency “Opening up ownership – sharing practice, building systems”
Armenian delegation took part in the EITI Conference on Beneficial Ownership․․․
Crucial step for BO disclosure
Government considered the package urgent for parliamentary discussions
The regular meeting of the EITI MSG was held
The EITI MSG meeting was held, during which the RA EITI MSG members approved the reports of the EITI introduction in the 1st and․․․
Presentation of EITI online reporting system
Presentation of EITI online reporting system for representatives of state agencies and mining companies
Publication of mining contracts
Armenia published contracts for granting mining permits to mining companies.
Berlin hosted the 40th meeting of the EITI Board: the Board extended the reported deadline of the first National Report of EITI
During the session the works on investing EITI Standard have been presented, mentioning the preliminary and ․․․
Training for journalists and CSO representatives
During the event the EITI implementation activities in Armenia, issues...
Awareness raising events took place for representatives of government agencies and communities
The EITI implementation activities in Armenia, issues related to the...
UK expert Chris Nurse met with the members of Armenian EITI multi-stakeholder group
In this context working groups of the MSG of the EITI have held a number of ...
British expert met with the members of EITI MSG
On August 29 British expert Jeremy Weate met with the members of EITI MSG