EITI Armenia Annual Conference will take place on 23 July, 2021

Conference on Presentation of EITI Armenia 2019 National Report and the Beneficial Ownership Electronic Declaration System will take place on 23 July, 2021, at 11։00 am (Yerevan time, GMT +4)
During the Conference the Beneficial Ownership Electronic Declaration System will be presented and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Armenia 2019 National Report, covering the activities of the metal mining sector of Armenia, will be discussed.
The first part will present the beneficial ownership disclosure process in Armenia, the beneficial ownership electronic declaration system, the users, the data published in the Register, and the ways in which disclosure of beneficial ownership enhances the transparency of and control over the sector.
The second part will present to the public the 3rd National Report of EITI Armenia which describes the companies holding mining rights in Armenia, production and exports data, the revenues from the industry to the State Budget, the way those revenues were distributed, the contribution of the sector to Armenia’s economy, and the beneficiaries of this process.
A Panel Discussion will be held after each part of the Conference.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English and Russian.
Join the conference remotely
Register here to be able to access the virtual space of the Conference and attend remotely.
EITI Armenia Secretariat
The head photo from Unsplash