G7 recognising the EITI’s role in promoting open data and transparency
G7 recognising the EITI’s role in promoting open data and transparency to meet international integrity standards. In collaboration with its partners and stakeholders, the EITI is committed to furthering the fight against corruption. One of the ways achieving this is the contract transparency requirement of the EITI Standard
The published document states:”We strongly support existing initiatives that promote our common goals, such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) as well as other initiatives such as the Open Government Partnership (OGP).
We recognise the role of open data in enhancing compliance with integrity standards in the performance of major public contracts, as well as in ensuring strong involvement by the different actors of civil society.
We encourage open contracting tools and practices as an efficient innovative solution to the challenge of making procurement more effective, fairer and more transparent and fully taking into account the different levels of development of countries”.